We welcome all donations! And if you love opera and want to take an active role in our show, please consider being a sponsor. Depending on your level of donation, sponsorships include complimentary tickets, your name prominently in our program, a dress rehearsal, and a Champagne Soiree to meet and listen to our singers and musicians, and share an evening with opera lovers like you.
If you'd like to be a CCE Sponsor, here are some suggestions:
Concertmaster's Circle - $100 or more
Maestro's Circle - $500 or more
Sponsor a Diva or Divo - $1000
Sponsor a Director - $1500
Sponsor our Opera - $5000
Or send a check made payable to "Cambridge Chamber Ensemble" to:
Cambridge Chamber Ensemble
7 Hancock Place
Cambridge, MA 02139
Cambridge Chamber Ensemble is a 501(c)(3) non‐profit arts service organization.